Updates for contract negotiations

Central Marine: The union committee met with the company on 7-23- 2019 and 7-24-2019, the committee members were Adam Larson and Jeff Thompson along with Tom Zidek Business agent for Local 5000 and Dan Vorrees International staff represenative. We discussed some local issues and we think we have agreed how to resolve some of these local issues given to us by our members. We gave the company our economic proposals on 7-09-2019 and  we were expecting them to respond at this latest meeting ,unfortunatley they were not ready to respond to our proposals. We are still working on getting an extension with Central Marine. We are trying to bargain three agreements at the same time and the logistics of all of this is tricky.  your committee members are doing a good job of representing all of you at the table. As of this update there are no new meetings scheduled and we will continue to work and keep bargaining to try and get afair agreement to brring back to the membership. Stay tuned for more updayes as they occour.

Keylakes : we have meetings scheduled for Keylakes in August. We have met with the company for about two hours but our committee members could not attend because of relief problems so a few local issues were discussed but no decisions were made. We had to extend this contract until 8-31-2019 as well because of the same logistic problems and relief issues.

Interlakes: We have not met with Interlakes as of yet we have requested information and as of yet we have not recieved it. We are also extending this agreement until 8-31 -2019.

Please we are asking everyone to stay strong and hang in there we are working to get these agreements done.

In Solidarity Tom ZideK 440-225-7752 

People have asked me if the local is in the same place i thought we answered this before but we are still at 17535 Rosbough Blvd Suite 201 Post office box 101 cleveland ohio 44130. Phone number is the same at 440-243-7000. We have also had to renew for one year a new lease but at over a five hundred dollar reduction in the rent. after the new year there will be some decisions made by the administrators about the local.


Central Marine we have agreed to a few small local issues and we have exchanged our economic proposals but we have not agreed to anything as of this update. we are working day to day with central marind because we have not been ablo to cone to an agreement with the comapny on this issue.

Keylakes we intend to meet with the comany on 8-20  8-21 and 8-22, weintend to have our committee members at the bargaining table and we have a signed contract extension with Keylakes.

Interlakes we hope we will be meeting with the company on 8-15 and 8-16 this will be the first meeting  this company. i say we hope to be meeting is beacuse we gave the company these dates and of this up date  the company has not responded.

Again Hang in there in solidarity Tommy Z